Currently I am in
Every minute N every second I am thinking here about Naujawan Bharat Abhiyan & about the Yatra & correspondingly about
I mean to say that I am exploring myself & I need my exploration too.
We are one of the biggest nations in the world, population wise & natural resources wise. But we are the poorest in the world, self-respect wise & in every course of life we are lagging behind even after 64 yrs of independence.
We are ruled by administration & politicians who are semi-mafias’ & semi-goons either or are associated directly with these types of elements. ‘Haves not’ are more than 80 to 85 % in
Our policymakers & politicians show a GDP rate & growth rate which is an absolute fraud. Actually these number ‘on-paper’ is an average no of 4 to 40000 ‘more than equal’ family’s wealth where wealth-less 85% Indians are never ever considered at all.
Seriously speaking we are not a biggest democracy in the world but we are a greatest authoritarian system in the world which is slowly moving towards decline & fall & absolute anarchy. No sensitive intelligence from the International community can ever challenge this statement of mine& if at all anybody challenges me for the same I am always ready to answer on any platform.
Even country like
The DYNASTY rules this country & there is absolute neo-feudalism & absolute corruption from top to bottom. This made us a third rate country & third world country in every walk of life for example in every field of sports (our poor performance in Olympics).
From economy to culture or to even to education, we are not respected worldwide because once upon a time countries like China, Singapore, Malaysia, Mauritius etc. were lagging behind us & were looking at us as a leader of Asia but now they are reaching the class of super power & we are still just a developing country.
Our semi-mafia rulers & the policymakers made us bankrupt in every field. We have no respect in
We have simply wasted the supreme sacrifices of Bhagatsingh, SubhashChandra Bos & many other martyrs. Today we have merely 2 choices; either we will disintegrate because of incapable dynastic rule in every field of life. This was not the for sure the dream of Bhagat singh , Subhashbabu or even of the father of the nation Gandhiji. Where has gone their sons, & grandsons & grand-grand sons & daughters. They never demanded cost of scarifies of their forefathers. Or the other choice before us would be to fight against all these anti-national forces which portray themselves as national-forces which is pseudo in reality.
From peon to the first house of this nation or the part thereof is part of the corrupt system & we are disintegrated because of this difference between ‘haves’ & ‘have not’s’ & the anarchist type of the system of the rulers.
Do u want to see this fall & the decline of our great nation or do you want to fight against these elements (because you have only one chance in your only life) or be a part of the system where father of the nation & his ideology is fixed up simply on the currency & we all forgot him & those who have money & power have forgotten his idea of trusteeship as well.
Choice is yours.
This is a monologue. I am speaking to myself & not to you.
Further, though it’s a monologue this is my appeal to the entire International Indian community to save
This is Mahatma Gandhi’s dream for one more freedom-fight.
Just sharing my exploration with you, will come back to you with my book “what is to be done, Part 1” as I have promised earlier.
Good bye & love to all
Inquilab Zindabad
Jai hind….